Preparing Your Yard for a Cold Winter
Whether you are a DIY enthusiast, who takes care of landscaping and designing, or a professional landscape expert, preparing the yard for a cold winter is a must when we talk about good landscaping. It can give anyone a nightmare if not planned and executed properly. People usually spend thousands of dollars to make their dream home look exceptional.
It is the standards of landscaping and designing that matters the most to the homeowners and why not? They spend enormous amount of money, time and efforts to make it elegant and beautiful. So what is that we do to safeguard our yard and to make it winter proof. Let us have a look at the best practices that you must follow if you are a homeowner or a landscaping contractor. Here they are:
Mow it right.
Right before the winter strikes, you need to prepare for it. Scale down your grass to the least so that would make it easier for you to manage in winters. The recommended size of grass may vary as it depends on region, type of landscaping and quality of grass used. Bottom line is that the shorter the grass, the better it is to manage in winters. It would be protected from fungal growth and heavy snows.
Make it winter proof.
Use the right kind of plants, shrubs and trees for all your landscaping work. Blend it with aesthetics if appropriately. Drought landscaping can help as long as it is done properly. Choosing plants and trees that are low maintenance and that can withstand excessive snow or lack of irrigation are the best for winters. If you are a homeowner who manages the yard on its own then you might have to find professionals how can help you with drought tolerant landscaping in Los Angeles or anywhere you are.
Fertilize it well.
You should use natural fertilizers which will help ensure recover and regrow green and lush lawn when it is required. Now it completely depends on the region and also the quality of soil so you will have to test your soil to determine the kind of fertilizer required and the amount which will best serve the requirements.
Quality of Grass
Watch the quality of grease you use as the type of grass you have will determine the rest such as the type of fertilizer needed, the amount of irrigation needed, its growth and resistance during various seasons. There are cold season grasses and warm season grasses that react differently to different seasons. So the first step is knowing your grass and then taking measures accordingly.
There are a variety of warm season grasses such as centipede, Zoysia, Bermuda and St Augustine whereas the cold season grass includes Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Perennial Ryegrass. You must understand the limitations and exceptions of both these for better results for yourself if you manage it yourself or for your clients (if you are an expert). Understand the climate and the region to use appropriate quality of grass. When in doubt you can look for Landscape companies in Los Angeles or your region.
Check Irrigation
Keep a check on the amount of irrigation required for your landscaping needs during various seasons, particularly winters. Take some measures to maintain good health of grass and the overall landscaping. Irrigation plays an important role.
There are various companies who offer landscaping services in Los Angeles but we, at Garden Designs and landscapes are one of the most trusted in the region. We have expertise in all types of landscaping and designing. Get in touch today if you are looking for landscape contractors in Los Angeles or any type of landscape design tips and trends. We understand our customers’ needs and offer the best landscaping solutions to our clients at reasonable prices.